Friday, September 26, 2014

Incredible fans

Most people take some precious hours or days out of their busy schedules to read at one time or another in their lives. The majority of these readers simply put the book on their bookshelf, or file it away on their Kindle, and move on to the next book, barely giving the last one a second thought.

The lion share of readers do not review books. As an Indie author, I have vowed to review (or at least rate) every book I read, because I now know what goes in to creating and publishing a novel. It's a lot of blood, sweat, tears . . . and complaining from my kids.

So, when a reader takes the time to do this . . .

. . . it just melts my heart and gives me the motivation to continue writing.

A reader from Australia made this collage about my book, Abstract Love. I cannot tell you how dead-on she depicted my novel. It must have taken her a long time to find images that together, tell the story of Jace and Keri.  I couldn't have made a better collage myself.

To know that she spent so much time out of her day to do this, is just about the best feeling I've ever had a as new writer.

So, people . . . take the time to speak out about things that touch your life. Don't expect that others are doing it. Make someone's day the way this reader made mine.

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